"My eyes flow with rivers of tears." Lamentations 3:48 

​Free PDF articles to read and to share with a grieving friendThe attached articles may be used for personal or educational purposes.  To request permission for publication in either printed or electronic formats, please contact us at: griefriverguide@gmail.com          

Grief River Life Map

A River of Tears

River Safety

Grief River

Resources for negotiating

the troubled waters of life

The International Scale of River Difficulty (ISRD)

​Ernest Luther

People who grieve often feel abandoned by friends and family, others say people often just don't understand.  Without that special someone who died, you may be left with a feeling of being very much alone. The good news is we never alone on the Grief River  Learned from our Animal Companions who call the river home.

        The Grief River Loss History/Life Map

Please Note: the map is provided for illustration purposes and is not intended to be used as a substitute for therapy.

The ISRD rates rivers on a scale of one to six (six being dangerous to experienced river adventurers). When someone asks, "How are you doing?" Instead of saying "fine," say, "Today is about a six!"

Learn more about the ISRD

Share these safety signals with your friends so everyone knows when you need support on this wild river ride.

Learn more about 

River Safety Signals

Over the course of a lifespan, we will shed many tears. Not all those tears are tears of sadness, some are tears of joy. If we are open to all of the experiences of life, we can learn to negotiate these waves of emotion with the skill and agility of a seasoned kayaker.

Mercifully, if we are willing to go with the flow, the circumstances of life will undoubtedly change. We will pass through this and a variety of other phases of life before we reach the sea.

I've been down this river of tears many times with many people.  Allow me to be your Grief River Guide and I'll show you what I've learned.  Of course, a river is constantly changing so I can't predict what you will find around the river bend, but I can promise it will be worth the trip.